Our attorneys will work hard to ensure
your right to stay in the country.
At Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC we are committed to providing aggressive and
professional legal representation and counsel in all areas of immigration and
nationality law.
Founded by Jeffrey A. Kriezelman in 1974, our Law Offices have expanded to
representing thousands of foreign nationals nationwide in their attempts to
secure temporary and permanent lawful visa status in the United States.
Founding member of Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC and serves as our Of Counsel.
Matthew S. Kriezelman is a member at Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC.
Lauren McClure is a Partner with Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC.
Brittni Rivera is an Associate Attorney with Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC.
Kevin Raica is an Associate Attorney with Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC.
Nicole Provax is an Associate Attorney with Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC.
Khiabett Osuna is an Associate Attorney with Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC.
Maya Flores is an Associate Attorney with Kriezelman Burton & Associates, LLC.