If you have questions about making a payment, please do not hesitate to call 312-332-2550. We will assist you in making your payment.
If you prefer to pay by phone, please call our office at 312-332-2550.
If you prefer to pay by Zelle, please send your payment to ecobb@krilaw.com, jburton@krilaw.com, mkriezel@krilaw.com, or lmcclure@krilaw.com.
For instructions on how to pay via international wire transfer, please email lhernandez@krilaw.com.
We can accept payment by cash, check, money order, or credit card at our offices.
Send your check or money order to:
Kriezelman Burton & Associates
200 West Adams Street, Suite 2211
Chicago, IL 60606
Please mail it to the attention of your attorney, by including his or her name on the envelope as well. Do not send cash in the mail.
Make checks payable to: Kriezelman Burton & Associates