
P Visas

Regardless of a delay in the process, you certainly lived up to our expectations. We are so glad we met you, and I just wanted to say thank you for your services.

Chicago P Visa Lawyers

P visas are available to people who are coming to the US to perform as athletes, individually or as part of a group or team that is internationally recognized. They are also available to a person who performs with or is an integral or essential part of an entertainment group that has been recognized internationally. These are non-immigrant visas and they can be filed by the U.S. employer, U.S. Sponsor, U.S. agent or a foreign employer through a U.S agent.

A person can be admitted on a P visa for up to 5 years with an extension of up to 5 years. Any spouse or dependents of a P visa applicant can be admitted for the same period as the principal applicant.

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