
Challenging Detention of Immigrants Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

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As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread worldwide, our firm has filed several petitions for writs of habeas corpus on behalf of our detained clients in federal district courts across the country. For any individual presently detained by ICE, there is a unique and serious risk of contracting COVID-19 – particularly for those who are elderly or have underlying medical conditions.

The numbers of those infected with COVID-19 in ICE detention continues to steadily rise, with rapid increases over the last week. On April 13, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security reported that 73 detainees in immigration custody had been diagnosed with COVID-19. As of April 20, 2020, the number of infected tripled to 220 infected detainees.

The habeas corpus petitions that our firm has filed assert that it is unconstitutional to keep low-risk, non-violent immigrant detainees in custody, given the extremely dangerous conditions that COVID-19 poses to them. There are no legal justifications for their continued detention in such an unhealthy and hazardous manner. The petitions request that the Court issue an order for ICE to release the detainees from custody immediately.

If you are interested in filing such a petition in federal court on behalf of a family member or friend, or are simply interested to learn more, please contact our office today. We are open and available for video conference and teleconference appointments.

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