
Penalties for Reentering the U.S. After Deportation

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For immigrants, the thought of being deported is extremely frightening, and it happens every day. Immigrants can be deported from the United States for several reasons. When the government is successful with their case, deported individuals typically cannot return to the country for five, 10, or 20 years. In some cases, individuals may be barred from ever returning to the United States at all. If you have been deported, or you fear deportation, you may think about coming back to the country, even if you plan to do so illegally. This is not usually a good idea, though, and if the authorities find you, it could result in harsh penalties.

Reasons for Deportation

There are many reasons the immigration authorities in the United States may choose to deport someone or send them back to their home country. Most people think a person will only face deportation if they entered the country illegally, but that is not true. Individuals who are in the United States on a visa, and even those who have a green card, may face deportation under certain circumstances. These include when:

  • You fail to comply with the terms of your visa or otherwise fail to maintain your status
  • You fail to notify the USCIS of any change of address
  • You commit a crime
  • You violate certain U.S. immigration laws, such as being involved in a fraudulent marriage
  • You receive public assistance

The amount of time you are barred from entering the United States after being deported will depend on the reason for deportation. Reentering the country before that time will come with serious consequences.

Penalties for Illegally Reentering the Country After Deportation

If you reenter the United States illegally after being deported, you could face federal felony charges. The process may only require the reinstatement of your previous removal order. However, in some cases, reentering the United States could result in high fines and up to two years in prison. If your previous order of removal was issued because you committed a crime, you could face up to 10 years in prison and very high fines. If the crime you were convicted of committing was an aggravated felony, you could face up to 20 years in prison and be permanently barred from ever reentering the country.

When a previous order of removal is reinstated, you will not receive a new court order, which means you cannot request relief from removal. Still, there is hope. If you did not attend your initial immigration court hearing, you may still have a right to request a reopening of your case. In this instance, it is even more crucial to speak with an immigration lawyer who can present a strong argument as to why you did not attend your first court hearing.

Our Chicago Immigration Lawyers can Help You Stay in the Country

Reentering the United States after being deported is a serious offense that could result in criminal penalties. If you are thinking about reentering, or you have already reentered the country, it is crucial that you speak to an Illinois immigration lawyer. While the case may seem hopeless to you, it is not. You may still have defenses available in your case, and our knowledgeable attorneys at Kriezelman, Burton & Associates will use them to give you the best chance of a positive outcome. Call us today or contact us online to schedule a meeting with one of our lawyers.

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